About Greenhills Primary School
Greenhills Primary School will be curious, creative, open to challenge and have a positive impact on all members of our community.
Our vision
Greenhills Primary School is tucked away in a quiet residential cul-de-sac in the outer northern suburb of Greensborough. We have an enrollment of around 500 students, with the majority residing in the immediate locality.
Our school enjoys a well-deserved reputation for education excellence and a wonderful community of parents and students. We work hard to foster a close relationship between the school, the parents and the wider community, and we encourage an 'open door' policy, where families are invited to actively participate in all aspects of school life.
Greenhills is committed to providing a safe, stimulating and secure learning environment, where all students, no matter their gender, ability, culture or circumstances, are able to experience a comprehensive curriculum and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We endeavor to foster young people who are well-rounded, resilient and confident, as well as flexible, responsible and creative students, preparing them to meet the challenges of a society where knowledge is highly valued and constantly changing.
Students have the opportunity to experience success through a varied and challenging curriculum, with a particular emphasis placed on Literacy & Numeracy. Greenhills also features specialist programs in Performing Arts (music), Visual Arts, Library, Physical Education & Sport, LOTE (Italian) and STEAM.
Additional assistance programs are provided to students with special needs.
Computers and iPads are used in all classrooms, from Prep to Grade 6, to support the curriculum and to establish technology as a regular part of all learning.