Greenhills Canteen
The Greenhills Primary School Canteen, ‘The Very Hungry Hills’, is run by the School Council, under the guidelines of Nutrition Australia. The canteen provides pre-ordered lunches and snacks on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays each week, except for the last day of each term.
The easiest way to place canteen orders is through the Qkr! smartphone app. Instructions on how to download Qkr! can be found here.
Lunch Orders
Pre-ordered lunches are available every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, except for the last day each term. The lunch menu is available on the school website and from the school office. The cut-off for orders is 9am on the day you are ordering for.
The easiest way to order and pay for lunches is using the Qkr! smartphone app. Alternatively, you can write a note and hand it to the office with a cash payment. Handwritten orders need to reach the school no later than 11am on the day, otherwise your child will be provided with a cheese or vegemite sandwich and a piece of fruit at a cost of $4.
You can download the Canteen Menu here.
Wednesday Wonders
Wednesday Wonders is a hot lunch special available on most Wednesdays during the term. It must be ordered in advance. Each term, a special notice is sent home, listing the Wednesday Wonders specials, prices and cut-off dates for ordering. Wednesday Wonders can be ordered on the QKR app or by returning the paper form with payment to the school office. There are usually seven Wednesday Wonders per term.
Wednesday Wonders menus can be downloaded from the Forms & Notices page.
Special Lunches
Each term, there is a Special Lunch day, which must be ordered in advance through the QKR app or by returning a paper form with payment to the school office. Special Lunches include a Hot Cross Bun Day (Term 1), Sushi Day (Terms 2 and 4) and Footy Day (Term 3). A special notice will be sent home each term with the Special Lunch day description, price and cut-off date for ordering.
Counter Sales
The canteen is open for counter sales on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, except for the last day of each term. Items available include frozen juice cups, frozen orange and pineapple slices, small packets of chips and biscuits, icy poles, rice crackers, milk, slushies (summer) and hot chocolate (winter). Prices range from $0.05 to $2.00. Counter sales items are listed on the Canteen Menu.
Volunteer Helpers
The canteen relies on the help of parent volunteers to operate. Parent helpers are needed for a maximum of one hour, from 1pm - 2pm. They help the canteen manager fill hot lunch orders, hand out lunch crates to classroom reps, and help with counter sales. Parents are not required to prepare any food in the canteen.
Please consider volunteering for the canteen. Even one day per term is very helpful, but if you are available more frequently, you are always welcome to sign up for as many shifts as you can. Parent helpers receive a $5 canteen voucher for each shift they complete.
To book a shift, go to www.carebookings.com.au and enter booking code JGU9L and the day(s) on which you can help.
All canteen helpers are required to attend an induction session, fill out paperwork provided by the school and have a valid Working with Children Check.