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School Council

The Greenhills School Council is the governing body of the school and includes parents, teachers, community members and school administrators. The School Council holds regular meetings to discuss educational programs and make decisions on school finances, grounds and policies.


Nominations for vacant council positions are called for in the beginning of each school year. Councillors typically serve a two-year term.


All parents and carers are welcome to become involved in the School Council through a variety of sub-committees, announced at the beginning of each year in the school newsletter. 


2024 School Council Members 


The members of Greenhills School Council for 2024 are:


President: Sam Redman

Vice President: Irina Fainberg 

Treasurer: Caroline Bennett

Vice Treasurer: Matthew Mooney


Parent Members: Rosita Zakaria, Irina Fainberg, Adam Laws, Sam Redman, Caroline Bennett, Jessica Barden, Katrina Purcell and Matthew Mooney.


School Representatives: James Penson, Janine Hough, Brad Ryan, Shirley O'Shannessy and Victoria Harris


To bring an issue to the School Council's attention, please contact Sam Redman or James Penson


2024 School Council Sub-Committees


All members of the school community are welcome to take part in School Council Sub-Committees - this is where the true work of the School Council takes place. Meetings dates are regularly published in the school newsletter. To express your interest in joining a Sub-Committee, please contact James Penson.


The 2024 Sub-Committees, and their convenors, are:

Health, Well-Being & Canteen: Rosita Zakaria, Jessica Barden, Janine Hough, Sam Redman and Shirley O'Shannessy

Finance: Caroline Bennett

TeamKids: James Penson and Rosita Zarkaria

Parents' Association: Sarah Ahann as School Council rep

Environment, Sustainability, Buildings & Grounds: Brad Ryan, Caroline Bennett & Matthew Mooney



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